Episode 1: Exploring the Future of Art: Innovation, Collaboration and Technology


On this debut episode of The Music is Talking podcast,  we invite you to join us on a fascinating journey to the future of arts with our esteemed guests - Toby Dundas, a renowned musician and composer of the band Temper Trap, the dynamic duo Jerry & Sarah Grayson of Helifilms, and the visionary artist and photographer Nate Hill.

With this intriguing collaboration, we discover they have created art that is not only a stunning fusion of film, music, and visual art but how combining these elements breathes life into the images, inviting the viewer to experience a temporal dimension.  This groundbreaking art exhibition, Flow State  was held at Oshi Gallery in Melbourne.

In this conversation we look into the thrilling world of digital collaboration, the metaverse, and the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on creativity and art.
We also talk of the potential of collaboration between visual artists, musicians, filmmakers and the challenges and potential innovations that may come out of this new format. 

We also look into the future of digital galleries and where art transcends the physical space.

Nate Hill is known for his wild black and white line 'Digital Landscapes" and the imagery he has created for international music acts such as ToolKornThe Crystal Method and very kindly created the art for The Music is Talking podcast. To find out more about and to connect with Nate, find him on Instagram at @natehill, on twitter @natehillphoto and Facebook at @natehillphotos

Sungrazers is a collaborative project between acclaimed aerial stills photographers and film-makers, Jerry & Sara Grayson of Helifilms - they can be found at @the_earth_wins and on twitter at @helifilms and Toby Dundas co-founder, composer and musician of The Temper Trap

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Episode 02: Ramsey Campbell